Start earning from 1,000,000 KZT per month by providing store automation services. We will train you and help you build a stable and profitable business in your city.
You can earn from connecting retail points. You get 100% of the setup service fee for each store launch.
We will provide you with the most competitive wholesale prices for all necessary store equipment, allowing you to earn by selling equipment along with the software at competitive prices.
Earn from 20 000 AED each month. The math is simple:
Sell 20 subscriptions/month x 2100 AED = 42000 AED
Half is yours 42000 AED / 2 = 21000 AED
Pay local taxes
And for upcoming years you still get 50%. That means every customer will bring you profit yearly
You receive 100% from each setup service payment.
You will also receive 50% from all subsequent client payments for subscription renewals.
We will help with promotion in your city.
Sell subscriptions for the X2 program and earn up to 50% from each installation. Help clients take their business to the next level.
You will continue receiving 50% from the renewal fee for each year.